About Dori

dori jenks

intro/update by way of limerick:

there was once a girl from ohio

whose working husband said “join me in eire’o”

so her job she did quit

flew there lickety-split

now it’s blogging she’ll add to her bio

tis’ a big shift to make for this lassie

to make do, she reclaims herself sassy

being ever so bold

drivin’ “wrong” side of the road

chanting “KEEP TO THE LEFT” in her chassis

penning musings on that what she do

but beware cuz she’s telling it true

done with being polite

(no more time for contrite)

makes for fodder for someone to chew

so read what’s been writ if you wish

or scroll pictures of all that’s delish

tales of adventures

romance slightly censored

all intended with humour, capish?

now this poem’s a wee bit too long

yet the emerald isle, she’s much like a song

here’s to humming a tune

of your own very soon

for to come here, you’ll never go wrong


2/8/19….or 08/02/19…dependin’on where yer from


no matter where i go O-HI-O

“you can take the girl outta the mid-west — but you can’t take the mid-west outta the girl” - dj ‘91