Long Night Moon Lingering on Friday the 13th, what does it mean?
whether a mystic or a skeptic, the shine of the moon on this particular occasion of december the 12th in the year of 2019 demands acknowledgement. a moon by many names, the cold moon, the moon before yule — it has been noted that the reason for its lingering nature is that the midwinter full moon has a high trajectory across the sky because it is opposite a low sun. for me, back here in eire where night vision is doused by heavy rain, fog and storm, the morning light source for friday the 13th came from the moon beaming brightly for hours.
once again blessed with a schedule in which to sit in contemplation of all that has transpired this past year, it turns out that this particular conjuncture of astral entities in relationship to this year’s long night’s moon is an exclamation point on doing just that — particularly in regard to love, money and relationships. not that these aren’t the top areas for reflections and adjustments at any time of the year, it’s just that THIS MONTH it is specifically critical. i’ve included links to the various sites in case anyone is interested in a purer interpretation but basically the message is “best to get your shit (or shite) together before it gets the best of you.” for myself this clear message has been lived experience more than psychic omen as the past six months back home in the states have been a constant state of flux for all things fiscal and familial.
without railing against “the system” too much, i can unequivocally state that, in the united states, AGEISM is a very real thing in the job market — and — that the cost of health care for the unemployed is INSANE. while these proclamations might not surprise many, it has been completely shocking to my ego (because until now, I’ve never thought of myself as “old’ thank you very much). and more shocking to a small savings account (because until now, i’ve never had to pay such ludicrous sums for out of pocket health care coverage.) the messages of “old” — from imaginary would be employers to the very real signals of aches and pains my body is telling me about— have indeed had their psychological effect. possessing three degrees and decades of experience as an educator and administrator — it took identical letters of rejection from a company where i’d applied for two positions, one slightly above my skill sets and other, far below — to finally make me realize that perhaps “it wasn’t all me.” though being rejected rather than ignored is a step in the right direction, job searching certainly hasn’t been inspiring confidence…until recently. giving up on the notion that i’m willing to work anywhere as long as there is health care, shifting my focus instead to finding someplace where making a difference is valued —this more genuine approach has resulted in two interviews at the same institution. too early to say if anything will turn into an actual job offer, yet the act of shifting gears, taking stock of my career(s) and acknowledging myself for the various contributions made — it’s been quite self affirming. that my most recent interview transpired on the day of the long night’s moon seems auspicious to me. while waiting to see if anything lands in my direction, it’s been a gift to remember that i have the power to shift my perspective. which sounds like an incredibly sappy hallmark card or motivational poster — but my takeaway is more about challenging ignorant social messaging while remembering to not fall into fear and self deprecation. because the easy door that opens from that mental space is called depression. beyond the macabre of having “been there, done that” is also the truth that i cannot afford, fiscally nor spiritually, to slip into another long term episode.
keeping the demons of “not good enough” at bay also brings the opportunity for taking stock of oneself, one’s relationships, one’s self in relation to one’s relationships, etc. etc. etc. that house of mirrors is a necessary evil if one is committed to growing and evolving into a better version of oneself. or more specifically — keeping it real without being a jerk about it. what i’ve discovered is that the irish have had the secret in a sound byte the entire time; the serenity prayer is actually the key to dealing with human nature. not new to me is that fact that i’m rather thick at accepting what i can/can’t change and knowing the difference between the two — which is an asset actually when it comes to being “an agent of change” — but is a handicap when adapting and adjusting to the changing nature of relationships. so while my self imposed eire exile from all that is familiar back home gifted me the ability to see with more clarity — the choice to do something — making a shift or leaving things as they are — coming to terms with those decisions hasn’t always been easy. what IS clear is that remaining in a rut is no longer an option. whether that is a celestial urging or just a side effect of growing up (aka becoming older and wiser?) - i dunno. the astrologists will tell you that the cosmos has decreed this to be THE EVENT of the next few weeks for all of us. do with that info as you will.
my personal ponderings keep swirling around the possible messages when the self reflection around love and money comes together on friday the 13th. what does THAT mean? i’m not sure except to say that my view of the full moon was replaced by ever broadening bands of a full rainbow — in almost the identical place from where the “moon set” occurred. being that the pot of gold is another powerful metaphor, THAT has to mean something good is around the corner, right? ok, ok, pragmatic experience winning over any prophetic signs, emotional maturity is always a work in progress and getting fiscally fit is gonna take some work — literally, as in landing a job. i’d really rather be blogging than writing cover letters… perhaps blogging could become my job? that’s an idea for which to stay tuned…
full moon replaced by a full rainbow —sign of something good to come for sure for sure
-photo by dj